We are required by law to have Trustees to whom the Elders report and are responsible.
1 – Trustees
- Trustees shall consist of all Elders willing to serve in this capacity with such other members of the church as the Elders deem necessary.
- Trustees who fail to attend the gatherings of the church for a period of six months without good reason will cease to be Trustees.
- A quorum is 66% of the Trustees
2 – Church Government
- Christ is Head of the Church. Elders, Trustees and Ministry Leaders operate under his authority alone.
- The church shall be fully autonomous, functioning without interference from other churches, courts or individuals.
3 – Elders
- Elders shall be recognised as spiritual leaders in accordance with New Testament doctrine 1 Timothy
- The numbers shall be sufficient to meet the needs of the church. This number shall be maintained or adjusted by the Elders recognising those who have a care for the church.
- The Elders shall be responsible for the day-to-day working of the church.
4 – Deacons
- The church may appoint Deacons in accordance with the principals of Acts 6:3 who will act on behalf of the church in matters agreed by the elders
3 Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty.
Acts 6:3
5 – Trustees Responsibilities
a) To administer the church according to its Constitution.
b) To ensure that the Constitution can be varied.
c) To act in the best interest of the Church.
d) To ensure that proper accounts are kept.
e) To meet together as required (minimum twice per year).
f) To be aware of the condition of any property.
g) To ensure adequate insurance cover is implemented.
6 – Trustees Practices
- To observe the ordinance of believer’s baptism by immersion on personal confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- To celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first day of each week, under the guidance and presidency of the Holy Spirit.
- To meet regularly for prayer and ministry of the Word.
- To establish and maintain a collective Gospel witness.
- To discipline and, if necessary, excommunicate members guilty of moral sin or doctrinal error.
7 – Constitution
a) Membership:
- The church will comprise all believers whose names appear on the roll at the date of adoption of this constitution, together with those subsequently added on being received into fellowship.
- A register shall be kept and maintained which shall include the names of all those who are in fellowship; this roll being at all times the sole and final appeal in matters relating to church membership. Members absenting themselves from the Lord’s Supper, or other church services for a period of one year, without satisfactory reason and after visitation by the Elders, may have their names considered by the church for removal from the role.
- Applications for baptism and fellowship shall be made to the Elders, who being satisfied as to the suitability of the applicant, shall bring the matter to the church. Two Elders chosen for the purpose shall then interview the applicant and bring their report to the Elders. There being no objection raised, arrangements will then be made to baptise and receive the applicant into the church.
- The congregation shall welcome to the fellowship of the church all believers known to be sound in faith and doctrine and godly life. They shall further welcome to the Lord’s Supper visitors introduced by letter of commendation, or who on their own testimony are sound in faith and godly life.
b) Statement of Doctrine:
The above congregation shall hold and maintain the doctrines of our statement of faith.
c) Property:
- All heritable property now belonging to, or which may be hereafter acquired by the church, shall be held in the name of the Trustees in office and their successors, on behalf of the church. The Trustees may sell all or any of the church’s property, or borrow upon the security thereof, provided that a majority of church members present at any meeting duly convened as aforesaid, shall authorise and empower the Trustees to do so. A copy of the minute of the meeting certified by the Secretary as true and correct, and witnessed by two Elders, shall be conclusive evidence that the requisite consent has been given, and it shall not be open to purchasers or lenders to make any further enquiry.
- The maintenance of the property and its services will be the responsibility of the Trustees.
- It is also hereby provided that in the event of the church ceasing to function as such through a breakdown of order, or for whatever reason, that the Trustees shall assume responsibility for the disposal of assets of the church as they may consider best, but it shall be for the Lord’s work elsewhere.
8 – Termination of a Trustee’s Responsibility
- All future Trustees will cease to function
a) On resignation in writing.
b) On leaving the church.
c) On being subject to church discipline
d) On reaching an elderly age or who suffers ill health. - In such an event, the Elders will appoint another in their place.
- No unbaptised believer shall be considered for election as a Trustee.
- If any Trustee dies or leaves the fellowship it should be noted by the Secretary and accepted in minutes as such.
9 – Signatories
- The Church Secretary, Chairman of Trustees and Financial Convenor shall be responsible for overseeing and dealing with all financial and legal matters pertaining to the church.