Our Father who art in heaven

Pray as a family member
Last week we focussed on the glorious gospel truth of adoption.
“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”
John 1:12-13
When we come to faith in Christ our relationship with God changes, but this is not the only changed relationship, we are brought into a new family- the family of God. We have brothers and sisters stretching back through the ages and reaching around the world today. Our membership of a local community of believers is an expression of that great reality. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus calls us to pray ‘our Father’ not ‘my Father’. Communal prayer and private prayer (Mt 6:6) are the two wings with which the Christian soars.
We pray as a community, as a family.. to the God who is in heaven.
Pray to the God who dwells in heaven
Heaven is the realm in which God is recognised as God.
His majesty and glory is seen and appreciated and celebrated. The angelic host worship Him without ceasing:
“The four living creatures never stop praising God day and night:
Rev. 4:8
‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come’”
Pray with wonder, confidence and reverence!
How wonderful that God, in that place of perfect praise, cares about the plight and the prayers of his people! The prayers of the saints are to him golden bowls full of incense (Rev 5:8) They are a sweet smelling offering.
We come with confidence in Christ’s name, to pray to our heavenly Father. There is an intimacy in our relationship because of our status as adopted children.
That God dwells in that place of praise, should though give us cause to remember to come into his presence humbly. Yes, we are children of the Father so we come with confidence- but we are also subjects of the King so we come with reverence.
“God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few.”
Ecc 5:2
So pray! Pray as Christ taught his disciples to pray. Pray to your Father in heaven with wonder, confidence and reverence, and be assured that your prayers are precious to him.