Aitchison Street, Airdrie, ML6 0DG

The Hunt for Happiness and Hope…

The Hunt for Happiness and Hope…


I’m anticipating a lot of smiles on Sunday as we gather together in the Church building for the first service in a long time (even if said smiles are hidden under facemasks!). As a young boy, I always went to Church on Easter Sunday with a smile on my face. I knew there was a very good chance that the minister would incorporate an Easter Egg Hunt into his children’s talk, and no matter how many chocolate eggs a boy has, there’s always room for one more. I was confident with my intimate knowledge of the Church building, my youthful energy, and my insatiable love for chocolate, that if there was an egg to be found- I’d track it down. It was a great feeling when I found that which I had been hunting for. Needless to say, I invariably left Church on a Sunday afternoon with an even broader smile!

As we grow older we learn to be more subtle in our chase for satisfaction, but we still spend our days hunting. We hunt for love, we hunt for meaning, we hunt for significance, we hunt for happiness and we hunt for hope.

Sadly most people spend their days searching in all the wrong places, and some give up altogether. But the Bible assures us that all of these things and more are available, waiting for us to discover them. Each of these precious treasures belong to those who give their lives to Jesus.

On the first Easter, Jesus died in our place, to take the punishment for our sins upon the cross. On the third day he rose again, triumphant and victorious over sin and death! All who turn from their sins and place their trust in him, are forgiven by God, and welcomed into his family forever. He doesn’t give us what we deserve- an empty, godless life and hell we die. Indeed he gives us what we don’t deserve, a new identity as his adopted children and the assurance of a place prepared in heaven with our Lord.

Where are you hunting for happiness and hope this Easter? If it’s in the Lord Jesus, then rejoice, he has risen! He has conquered death. He has proven himself faithful to his people and to his promises.

Have a joy-filled Easter,

Yours in His service,
