Sunday Morning Service (Main Church Building)
Every Sunday morning, we meet at 10:30am in the main church building and everyone is welcome to attend.
This service commences with a time to reflect on the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ as we remember His bodily sacrifice (symbolised by bread) and the shedding of His blood (symbolised by wine / fruit juice).
The Bible is clear that only born-again believers in Christ should partake of the bread & wine but non-Believers are most welcome to attend our service and witness this blessed time of worship.
Following this remembrance time, our praise band lead us in worship before a sermon from God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is preached.
For youngsters up to primary seven, during this service, we run a Sunday School which is led by a team of leaders (all PVG checked).
When the service finishes (usually between 11:30am and 12pm), the kids re-join us and there are free refreshments available so please feel free to hang around for a chat!
For our housebound members and those unable to get out to church, we stream the service online.
Sunday Evening Service (Main Church Building)
On Sunday evenings, we meet again at 6:30pm for a service which features our praise band followed by a sermon from the Bible. This service typically finishes around 7:30pm.
Again, for our housebound members and those unable to get out to church, we stream the service online.
Wednesday Evening Service (Hall at Rear of the Main Church Building)
At 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings, we meet in the small hall at the rear of the main church building to sing hymns, listen to a message from the Bible and then pray together. This service typically finishes before 9pm.
Keep an eye on our FaceBook page for the latest news.
After School Clubs (during term-time)
Covenanters (or ‘Covies’ for short) for Girls, meet each term-time Monday evening at 7:30pm in the main church building and is open to all secondary school girls.
We meet for crafts, games and fun activities. Interested? Find out more here.
Junior Covenanters (or ‘Jucos’ for short) for Girls, meet each term-time Monday evening at 6:30pm and is open to primary school girls.
We meet for crafts, games and fun activities. Interested? Find out more here.
Junior Covenanters (or ‘Jucos’) for primary school boys meet each term-time Monday evening at 6:30pm in Victoria Primary School (79 Aitchison Street, Airdrie ML6 0DB) and is open to all primary school boys.
We meet for games and fun activities. Interested? Find out more here.
Summer Kids Clubs

We are delighted to be able to hold annual Summer Kids Clubs in the church every year. Find out more here.
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